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Writer's pictureRyan Pagnacco CD

Gungineering Notes: CZ Magazine Adapter <Update August 2022>

The CZ-75 magazine adapters for the Ruger PC Carbine have been on the market now for about 2 months, and a good number of them have made it into the hands of some happy customers... and a select few not-so-happy customers.

Though we've received a lot of very positive reviews, comments and feedback, it's the negative ones that we need to do something about.

The primary source for negative feedback, so far, relates to the instructions. To be fair; those instructions were written an engineer, so please forgive us.

With that said; we assumed that someone who owns a Ruger PC Carbine would have already understood the process of changing out a magazine adapter, as the Carbine does come with a couple. But, alas, as the old saying goes; when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me.

So, to fix this issue; we have produced a very simple instructional video and have posted it to Youtube and Instagram.

If you're too lazy to follow that link, here is the video;

The only other major complaint that we've received so far is relating to availability outside of Canada.

As it stand; we do not have a distributor for the US market or anywhere outside of Canada... But, we're working on that.

During the developing this product, we had a US/CAN distributor lined up, along with product liability insurance for the US market, Electronic data interchange (EDI) inputs ready for larger retailers, and GTIN barcodes registered... Then the distributor backed out. Why? 'cause the firearms industry in both Canada and the US was under scrutiny due to recent shootings and firearms laws announcements. Distributors didn't want to take on a new firearms product in the current political climate... or so we were told.

So, the product is currently only available at Select Shooting Supplies, our friendly neighborhood gun store.

Regardless of the reason for not wanting to take on our adapter product, we haven't given up on finding a distributor for both Canada and the US. We'll keep looking until we find one.

In the meantime, we're working on a few more adapters... next on the list is one for the SIG P320.

Keep the feedback coming, and we'll do our best to get this product into the US.

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Gungineering Notes: CZ Magazine Adapter

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Emory Voydik
Emory Voydik
Feb 16, 2023

Any update on US availability?

Ryan Pagnacco
Ryan Pagnacco
Feb 16, 2023
Replying to

We're working on it. We'll have a solution sometime in March... hopefully.

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